Penis #522Z, sex organ pencil drawing by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. I have made a point to simply delineate the face of RuPaul, because I did not want to make it too busy with hatched lines. The size of his head is also very well proportioned to his shoulders, because it firmly rests there. RuPaul has a well balance head & shoulder composition, because his head is proportionate to his shoulders. The pencil is a careful delineation for RuPaul’s face and shoulders, because they are nicely developed.
Pencil Drawingīelow is my preliminary pencil sketch of RuPaul for the final inking, because I use the sketch as a guide. RuPaul is most noted for being a female impersonator, because he is able to play the role with expertise. No one person of the Gay Community stands out more than Rupaul, because he is recognized world wide. What more can be said than this is RuPau, because he is the defacto gay celebrity of today. RuPaul Andre Charles Gay Celebrity & Female Impersonator
Posted on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, and Tumblr. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #527Z ~ Order Here. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans. RuPaul #527Z, gay celebrity pen & ink drawing with pencil sketch, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F.